

Why object matters in agile development?

I ask this question to myself and to my colleagues here(Xi'an). I got a pretty cool answer from vincent and seemed to be correct. "Because using object technology, we can do local change easier than old-time procedure based method" I totally agree with him. Agile is all about embracing changes. We have to refactor all the time. If we code in the procedure based way, we found it is very hard to change a function without other functions affected. But if we utilize object technology, we have design patterns and other experiences to decouple objects. Then we are more likely to refactor more, and more effectively. I will ask the same question at TWU, and wanna here different ideas~


Not very agree with the book "object technology"

I am reading the textbook we will use at the TWU. One of them is "object technology: a manager's guide". It is a great book trying to explain why object matters to bussiness issue. But I am not very agree with the book after reading the first chapter. So I will keep updating my view as moving to the rest. The reason I am not convinced by the book is that I don't think objects in programming should be told to they are just like the objects in the nature. According to my own experience, they are quite different. In my opinion, the objects in the programming world are the projection of the objects in the real world bounded in the context of the problem. If we treat different objects the same, we are tending to make the one object really complex to address all the possible roles they are possible to play in the nature, which is not the exactly way in which we programme. Instead, we should set the problem context first, then analyse the objects inside the context, and then design objects to reflect the real world. So, I think "object technology" is somewhat not that right.

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