

Data Migration (3)

The final question about data migration. How to write it? We already know it is just a function to transform a dictionary into another dictionary. We also know there will be question around dependencies between entities. So, what we need are several functions, with each one upgrade one version. The migration function is per version delta, not per entity. The function need to do several things:

  1. Find out what are the entities need to be migrated.
  2. Load the entity state as dictionary.
  3. Apply the migration logic on the dictionary.
  4. Save the entity state back.

For finding entities to be migrated is easy. We already know SQLServer as XQuery support. We can write customized xquery to find out what are target entities. Most of time, it will be based on CLR_TYPE. Then the only thing that being a problem is how to write a function to transform a dictionary in memory to another dictionary.

It might seems easy, we just need to write a function in C#, which takes dictionary as input and return a new dictionary. Yes, this would work. But the code would be very details, and looks unintentional. It would need to a lot of casting to cast a entry to a list or a string or another dictionary, based on your knowledge of the object graph. It also need to do a lot of detailed operation, like copy a field to another and delete the older field to do a renaming. The issue of plumbing code might be solved by introducing non-static typed language, like ruby as a migratioin scripting language. But the more essential problem is how to raise the abstraction level, so that the migration script can looks like more intentional, and reveals the original requirements.

One naive change is we write several function for the well known refactorings. Like we can have Rename, MoveType, ExtractEntities. And that was exactly what we have tried before. The problem of these small functions are they are not really that reusable. Say, we have a rename function, which a change the direct field from one name to another. But what if we renamed a field but it is inside the object graph not directly on the root. Then the rename function can no longer help us. We might think we can abstract the "locating" part of the function. Instead of passing in two string to identify the fields by name, we pass in two locators.

The locator is not easy to implement. Say, we are renaming field x.y.z to x.y.k, x is branch of the root, and y is branch of x, and z was the field on y, and k is the new name of z. The rename function need to take "x.y.z" and "x.y.k" as input, and know how to apply them. For "x.y.z" we need to "get" the value, and then use "x.y.k" to "set" the value, then use "x.y.z" again to delete the field. The logic of getting value is very different from the logic of setting value.

In general, this apporach was called Functional Programming. By decomposing the big function to smaller one, and then compose them back to cope with different situations, we can maimize the reusbility.

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